F1 Manager Marketing Artwork
Marketing Artwork for F1 Manager

Marketing Artwork for F1 Manager

Marketing Artwork for F1 Manager

Marketing Artwork for F1 Manager

Prize Crates

Prize Crates

Boost Bottles

Boost Bottles

Boost Bottles and Crates as featured in game.

Boost Bottles and Crates as featured in game.

F1 Manager Marketing Artwork

A selection of marketing and game artwork created for 'F1 Manager' the latest mobile game from Hutch.

My main tasks included:

- Creating and editing liveries for the F1 cars
- Using in game car models to produce marketing artwork and game icons
- Model and texture boost bottles from pre existing 2D designs
- Model and texture prize crates from pre existing 2D designs and early iterations of 3D models
- Re model wheels on F1 car for marketing artwork

I would like to thank Rav S, Ross M, Sal A, Andy B and Mark T for their invaluable contributions and guidance to the work.

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